Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Thought I Owned Every Usborne Book Out There...

but I was wrong. Having two girls, homeschooled, and a general lover of books, I thought we already owned every book out there. Our social worker suggested we learn a new language to help Aly get adjusted to her new family (and country). Which brings us to Usborne books.

Well, we own just about every Usborne book out there, including First Thousand Words in Spanish, but did you know that this series also includes Russian, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Polish, Hebrew, Latin, and Arabic.

Here is a list of words that I have learned so far... not too bad... yet
spaghetti - spagettee
pizza - peetsa
soup - soop
salad - salat
omlete - amlyet
milk - malako
yogurt - yogoort
banana - banan
lemon - leemon
popcorn - papkorn
soccer - footbol
tennis - tennees
karate - karate
baseball - beysbol
basketball - baskyetbol
gymnastic - geemnasteeka
badmiton - badmeenton
snowboarding - sno-oobordeeng
panda - panda
zebra - zyebra
tiger - teegr
leopard - lyeapard
crocodile - krakadeel
penguin - peengveen
dolphin - dyel'feen
pelican - peleekan
telephone - telefon
taxi - taksee
lamp - lampa
radio - radeeo
photograph - fatagrafee
pilot - peelot
guitar - geetara
calendar - kalyendar'
tractor - traktar
skateboard - skeytbord

We also picked up several items from the library:
• Russian: Learn in 4 Simple Steps! (CD's by Living Language)
• Basic Russian (CD's by Pimsleur)
and even The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Russian.

Wish us luck. If you have any advice or suggestions we are all ears!